HaleyFarts free videos, facefarting, free fartslave videos, free fart fetish videos, free scat videos, free toilet slave videos, grossdom, stinkdom, sweaty girl videos, and HaleyFarts OnlyFans leaks! 😍

Gamer Girl's Swamp Ass Smotherbox Fart CPR Punishment FULL VIDEO!
I know this is a fantasy for tons of you! Being a literal chair for a gassy gamer girl while you're ignored and tormented for HOURS!
Check out this FULL FREE SESSION video where absolutely destroy slaveboy's face in my big beefy booty while gaming and smothering him to near blackout!
He only gets pumped back to life by my stinky lil asshole, oozing my thick, noxious egg bombs straight into his trapped nostrils as he's gasping for air on the brink. Bet you don't wanna sniff that, huh bitch? Oh well, too bad! It's either that or die! 🤣

PART 1 on ThisVid
PART 2 on ThisVid
Try Not To Cum - Hottest Farts Compilations!
Stare at my ass. Don't blink. Drool for me. Beg for me. Stroke for me. Rub for me. Fucking do it. Don't you dare stop, either. Don't pause. Don't look away. Just stare and edge. Stare and edge. Look at me. Stare. And edge yourself to death. But DO NOT CUM!! If you fail, leave your timestamp in the comments on the video. Let's see who my real Edge Heroes are!! 😈

More Long Videos
Enjoy even more free videos from your favorite gassy Goddess! All videos are around 5 minutes or longer! What are you waiting for? GET TO GOONING! 😍
⚠️ DIRTY ⚠️
Free Scat Videos! Shit, Piss, Human Toilet Videos from HaleyFarts!
Don't say I didn't warn you…
Constipated Gamer Girl
Saran Wrap Shitface Nightmare
Kiki's Shitty Dildo Gag!
After Festival - Clogging My Human Toilet!
Chug Kiki's Putrid Princess Piss!
Wake n Bake with a Tummy Ache!
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Like what you see? That was just a taste! Click the 'Full Videos' button for tons more scorching hot videos! 😘

"You are the hottest most savage domme on the planet!" - Everyone

© HaleysLilComet Productions